Friday, March 11, 2011

4th IWA Ill Doctrine

            I like watching video, because it is different from TV series or Movies. Most of videos are produced by our common people. Unlike movie, videos are just for fun; they don't care profits. Through internet, you will see huge numbers of talent thoughts on the internet. They are from Asian to American,from developing countries to developed countries.
Ill Doctrine is one of my favorite Video series. Jay Smith uses his humor and relax way to explore our society. From his videos, you will realize lots of things like how politician cheat us, how advertisement attract us. His conversation is straight forward and easy to understand.
In the video, “Why I AM Afraid Of You Christine O'Dennel,” , O'Dennel want to be a senator, so she advertise herself on the Tv. Her words are very peaceful and sensitive. “ I am not rich. I am nothing you heard. I am you. None of us are happy what we see around us. I will go to Washington do whatever you do. “ When I first time heard this advertisement, I felt she was an ideal candidate, for she was so thoughtful and modest. Without deep thinking, I agreed with her that if I were she, she would changed this country better. However, after heard Jay Smith's explanation. I really found out that I was fooled because I don't understand myself well. I even have some troubles with my life. How can I help people. I am absolutely not an ideal candidate too. I can't not do my job well. Is that mean if I were the president tomorrow, then I would have the ability to govern U.S well? That is unlogical. I am myself and I am still myself. Nobody can become a superhuman in one day. That is obviously lie. We should not believe these kind of lies. Nothing is absolutely trusted, so think before action.
In another video, “Got-No-Sensitive.” Jay Smith tells us got-no-sensitive means pretending you agree with someone even though you know they are acting like they have got no dam sense. From his words, we know that it is important to be sensitive. Global warming is not cause by gay marriage. But once you are on-sensitive, sometimes you will not be able to find out the truth. We still need truth in our society. If your friend always agree with you. Will you be happy? This kind of friends are two types. One of them just want to get some benefits from you, so they don't show their opinions, and everytime they just want to make you happy. They don't care whether you are right or wrong because they never treat as you as their friend. They are no-sensitive to you. The other of them, they are yes man. To make friends with these kind of people, you will never going to be strong. They are no-sensitive, they just follow whatever you do. They don't have their opinions, and they want you to help them to decide something. The longer you stay with them, the more no-sensitive you will be. We need be a sensitive man, for we should not be control our mind by anybody. Lots of politician want make us no-sensitive because they are no-sensitive. They want use your no-sensitive to support them.
In conclusion. I like watching video, for a short video Jay Smith tells us lots of things. Something is easy to understand, but I just did not think in that direction. In our daily life, we really need to think carefully, for maybe there is a trap for you. Videos are good resources to remind us getting from those traps.